Spring Equinox

We've recently passed the Spring Equinox, which means with each passing day, the daylight hours are gradually getting longer than the nights (although looking out my window right now you wouldn’t believe it!)

There is something undeniably tempting about the warming weather and the brighter days that makes us want to dive headfirst into doing ALL THE THINGS (I definitely feel this!) I find it helpful during this time to reflect on how nature approaches this shift in season - the small buds cautiously sprouting on plants, carefully starting to unfurl their leaves, and baby animals starting to be born - a huge amount of growth but still delicate & fragile.

I suggest approaching your goals as if you are a baby lamb (stay with me here!) Bring in the excitement, curiosity & playfulness, but at the same time recognise your limits, be gentle with yourself, and know when it’s time to pull back and rest. You wouldn’t deny this cutie some rest would you?

The Spring Equinox is the balance of night and day and it serves as a powerful reminder of the need for balance in our lives. It is a call to find that harmony within ourselves - the delicate equilibrium between rest and action, work and leisure, growth and reflection.

We have also had a full moon lunar eclipse in the sign of Libra in the early hours of this morning (did you know I’m obsessed with with the moon 🌝) and I think this also provides symbolism to remind us to bring balance. The bright light of a full moon usually indicates a time of action, but the brief moment of darkness when the moon was in the Earth’s shadow is another reminder to pause and take rest. Also the symbol of Libra is the balanced scales, ok astrology we get it!

Thank you so so much for all your support, from me and these gorgeous Easter bunnies 💜


Summer Solstice


Happy New Year ✨