Happy New Year ✨

I hope you’re having a lovely festive period and are able to take a much deserved break!

As 2023 comes to a close this is a perfect time to reflect on the previous year and make space for the year to come. We go through this cycle of releasing and receiving all the time: with every season, lunar cycle, menstrual cycle, day & breath. But it can feel overwhelming when we get to the end of the calendar year. It can feel like too much to release and too much pressure to start fresh.

One way I like to think of release is through digestion - hopefully you’ve been eating lots of delicious food over the past few weeks! When you digest food, you release it’s nutrients and then release it from your body to make room for more. You don’t forget the food and start fresh with every meal, that food stays with you as fuel for your body, pleasure & memory. And we know that this is temporary, you have to release in order to receive more.

The same is true for all cycles - You need to release the previous cycle in order to make room for the next, but this doesn’t mean ignoring or forgetting your experiences. You digest your experiences and absorb the nutrients, and part of that previous cycle stays with you.

If you’d like some guidance through releasing the previous year and receiving the new (or maybe mindfulness is one of your resolutions!) here is a free 5 minute meditation. Take some time for yourself and give yourself space to reflect.

On reflection, 2023 has been a really good year for me! I’ve travelled a lot, I’ve made some new friends, I’ve learned some new skills & I’ve had so much fun sharing yoga and building this amazing community. It has been very busy and now I’ve had a chance to pause I’m feeling so grateful for this year!

I have some exciting things already planned for 2024 as well! Kicking off January with my 4 Week Beginners Yoga Course (1 spot left!), in February I’ll be starting a second queer yoga class at Category is Books on Tuesday evenings, and in March I’ll be running another Stretch and Play Facilitator Training to bring more mindfulness and movement to the children you support.

I’m looking forward to taking some time this week to fully digest the year and see what resolutions or intentions might come up for 2024.

I hope you’re able to rest & reflect this week and I’ll hopefully see you in the new year!

Tally x


Spring Equinox


Flow Cycle Yoga has evolved