Align your yoga practice to your life.

Everyone lives cyclically - your sleep/wake cycle, your breath cycle - and the menstrual and lunar cycles are just extra cycles which you can use to guide your life. Just like how your energy levels, mood and focus fluctuate throughout the day, they also do throughout your cycles.

This is why sometimes you might crave a dynamic active yoga class and sometimes you don’t even have the energy to roll out your mat. 

And we can work WITH this rather than pushing through.

This is for you if:

  • You have gone your whole life not knowing what's going on with your cycles

  • You have an awareness of your cycle and want to take the practice deeper

  • You want to fit your yoga practice to your life not your life to your yoga practice

  • You want to be part of a community of like minded people to support you on your way to living in harmony with your cycle

You will learn:

  • How to tune in to and live in alignment with your menstrual or lunar cycle

  • How to take your yoga practice off the mat, integrate it with your cycle awareness practice and the rest of your life

“Being a part of Flow Cycle Yoga was a brilliant experience. It allowed me to understand my cycle in a much more in-depth way, which helps me to plan my months (and my yoga practice) in a way that compliments my energy levels and state of being throughout my cycle. Tally is a kind and non-judgemental teacher who makes space for folks of all ability”

- Miriam

Want to learn more about Cycle Awareness before signing up?

Get lifetime access to the recorded classes:

Individual class - £10

Theme made up of 4 classes - £28

All classes - £200 (57% discount)

“Before flow cycle yoga, I could rarely attend yoga classes because I always seemed to be busy when classes were scheduled. Flow cycle made it so easy to fit yoga into my busy lifestyle because I could access the pre-recorded classes whenever I wanted, and Tally could always be reached if I ever had questions about the practices.

With each class being different depending on where I was in my cycle, this also meant I never had to worry about the class being too strenuous during times when I wasn’t feeling 100% and that I could always take part.

Overall, flow cycle yoga made a huge difference to my well-being as a result of being so tailored and accessible, and I’d encourage anyone to give it a try! “

- Jodie

Choosing a yoga teacher is very personal

Why not try this free yoga class to see if we click, and to get an idea of what we do in Flow Cycle Yoga

Hi, I'm Tally! My pronouns are she/her 

I've been practicing yoga for 10 years and teaching for 3 years, and I've loved every second of it. However something always felt a little off - there were some days where I really wanted to practice and teach an energetic flow and some where I could only bring myself to practice a more restorative style, regardless of what the yoga class schedule had lined up. 

Before taking part in my first yoga teacher training, I had begun my practice of menstrual and lunar cycle awareness when I accidentally came off the contraceptive pill, by not bringing it with me on holiday. 

After my first stint of teaching when I qualified, I started learning about integrating my cycle awareness practice into my yoga practice and everything just clicked. 

Tally is a fantastic yoga teacher. All her classes are really accessible for everyone whether you are a beginner or not. They are all really clear and simple to follow with adjustments explained for different abilities. She makes it really easy to be able to practice yoga in your own home as well if you find it difficult to get to a studio!

- Kristy


I don’t have a period, can I still practice yoga in alignment with my cycle?

Yes! If you don’t have a menstrual cycle eg. because you’re on a hormonal contraceptive, you’re postmenopausal or you don’t have a womb, you can still practice yoga and live in alignment with a cycle, which you’ll learn to do in Flow Cycle Yoga.

I have a menstrual condition such as endometriosis, PMS or PMDD, will I be able to take part?

Yes! You know your body better than anyone and this membership will give you tools and options to work with your specific needs. Having a community of people you can turn to can also be so useful for these potentially very isolating conditions. This being said, I’m not a medical practitioner so I cannot diagnose or offer any specific advice relating to any menstrual or other conditions.

I’m a beginner at yoga, will the yoga classes be suitable for me?

Yes! All the classes are beginner friendly and there will be plenty of options offered so you can adapt the classes to suit you.

I’m in a different time zone, can I still access the membership?

Yes! The yoga classes are pre-recorded so can be practiced at whatever time suits you.