
Samhain (pronounced sah-wain) is one of the most magical sabbats in my opinion because it’s said that at this time the veil between worlds is at it’s thinnest. This means we can more easily connect to faeries, spirits, guides and the dead.

This time of year does of course have a fun side to it - some spirits (and humans!) like to play tricks and get up to all sorts of mischief. And this light hearted aspect of the sabbat can help to make the darker more serious aspects more tolerable.

Many cultures across the world have celebrations at this time of year, such as Día de los Muertos in Spanish & Mexican cultures, Kürbisfest im Retzer Land in Austria, and in the roots of Halloween in western cultures. And what a lot of these celebrations have in common is that they invite us to connect to and honour our friends and family who have died. While death and grief might be a taboo topic, at this time we are invited to sit with it and tend to it.

So this Samhain get still and quiet. Maybe light a candle for those you have lost and gather items and photos that remind you of them. Give yourself time and space to connect to them and grieve, and allow any messages to come through.

Then return by connecting with your living friends and family, and maybe get up to some mischievous fun yourself.

