
As summer winds to an end and the days get shorter and crisper the Autumn Equinox or Mabon is a great time to pause, reflect and express gratitude. Although it has been a very wet summer, the ducks have been so happy!

Our ancestors at this time would also be looking ahead and preserving food to ensure they have enough in their stocks to last through winter. While food is much more readily available now, this practice of taking stock is still useful. Maybe there are things that you need to let go of that the rose-tinted glasses of summer have glossed over? Maybe you need to reassess your goals as we head into the final quarter of the year?

As with the Spring Equinox this is also a time of balance, as the day and night are an equal length, but this time the nights will gradually start to lengthen.

Notice how your energy shifts as we approach this change, and how you feel about it. Are you dreading the longer nights or welcoming the opportunity to hibernate?

Apples, ripe and ready for harvest, are symbols of abundance at this time of year. Perfect for all your apple-based baking! Beyond abundance, apples also symbolise the heart and love. Let this serve as a reminder to express love not only to those around you but, just as crucially, to yourself.

Header Photo by Tom Swinnen

