How to make your yoga practice stick

Is your New Years’ Resolution to start practicing yoga? Here’s how to make it stick

⭐ Be realistic - don't start with doing it every day, start with 1 day a week then build it up

⭐ Don't beat yourself up - you can’t ‘fail’, even showing up one time counts

⭐ It doesn't have to be an hour long power vinyasa class - making time to sit for 5 mins in quiet to reflect on your day and tune into yourself is yoga too

⭐ Try different styles to find something that works for you

⭐ Try different instructors - it’s hard to relate to an instructor who is nothing like you, find someone who clicks with you

⭐ Book some classes in for the coming weeks - make the commitment

⭐ Find a friend to go with you and hold you accountable if you don't show up

⭐ Make the yoga fit to you rather than the other way round. One way to do this is by aligning your practice to your menstrual or lunar cycle, like we do in Flow Cycle Yoga


Set up for an online sharing circle


Resting while on your period is radical