Be kind to yourself.

By coming to my classes I hope you’ll feel a bit of relief from everyday stresses, both in your body and your mind. You’ll be able to use some of the things you've learned in yoga class in your daily life to be more mindful of your body and kinder to yourself.

What to expect

Classes with me will include playful, flowy sequences, with a focus on how poses feel, rather than how they look.

There will also be plenty of reminders to stay present and check in with yourself (which I encourage you to take off the mat too!) including guided savasanas and breathing techniques.

I will always try to make classes as inclusive and accessible as possible - plenty of options will be given in poses so you can choose what is right for your body that day, and inclusive language will be used throughout.

 Yoga is for everyone

‘But I’m not flexible/thin/young/confident enough….’

The focus of yoga is experiencing your body, as it is.

I’m very aware that there are lots of yoga teachers who look like me, but you don’t have to look like me to practice yoga or come to my classes.

I’m always open to questions, comments and feedback - I hope you’ll feel able to let me know if any adjustments can be made to the classes or my teaching style to make you feel more comfortable.

Hi, I’m Tally

My pronouns are she/her

I started practicing yoga the same way a lot of people do, in my bedroom with Yoga With Adriene videos. After 7 years of going to classes and practicing at home I completed my first training and began teaching in 2020. I’ve since completed over 500 hours of trainings & certifications and I love teaching different styles of yoga in studios and community spaces all around Glasgow.


Get to know me off the mat
